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Shaper: Johnny Cabianca
Marca: Cabianca

A partir de
12x de R$ 293,75 sem juros
Bônus de R$200,00 em acessórios ou 5% de desconto para pagamento por pix, depósito ou transferência bancária.

Descrição da Prancha:

We’ve all been there: your favourite spot is firing bigger and better than you’ve ever seen it… and you miss the wave of the day, because you were under-gunned. In our opinion, a Semi Gun is THE board most surfers are missing from their quiver. One reason is because you think it won’t get enough use – it’s too specialised. Which is why Johnny designed a board that’s got all the hallmarks of a semi gun – strong construction, fast paddling for earlier entries, stable at high speeds – but with extra manoeuvrability. The Magnum: it’ll raise your game on the heaviest days, and on big days, it’s the perfect step-up from your regular shortboard

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Medidas da Prancha

*Informe apenas 3 das medidas.


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